F For:香港抗爭音樂誌 F For: HK Protest Music (vol 2)
作者 Author:F For 團隊
出版社 Publisher:Newbee
出版日期 Publication Date:11/2023
《F For:香港抗爭音樂誌》是一個非牟利出版計劃,旨在透過音樂,忠實呈現2019至2020年間的香港民主運動。
音樂為這場運動帶來的奇異力量,讓我們相信這些音樂不只必須要被完整記錄外,更需要獲得它們應有的尊重及認同。這就是我們決心做這一套三冊的F For: 香港音樂抗爭的原因,而這計劃絕對值得你的關注及支持。
F For : Hong Kong Protest Music Zine is a not-for-profit publication project that chronicles the 2019-2020 Hong Kong democratic movement through the music made throughout the protests.
Popular music in Hong Kong is often criticised for being too commercial and lacking in diversity. However, the protest movement has breathed new life into the local music scene. Many amateur and professional musicians alike have made music of different genres to respond to the movement, providing an authentic local perspective to understand the dynamics and nuances of the series of events.
Music has also taken a more political role and become a means to protest. We have witnessed the power of music, be it through performing spectacular singalongs at shopping malls, singing hymns at the police forces, or playing drums at the scenes of protest.
Seeing the extraordinary power of music in the movement, we believe it is of utmost importance that all these musical utterances would not only be well-documented but also receive the recognition and respect they deserve. This is why F For : Hong Kong Protest Music Zine - a series of three books that collects the protest music made during the movement - deserves your support and attention.
F For 團隊
這個由音樂網站「3C音樂」發起的計劃獲得其他文化界朋友踴躍支持。音樂網站「glass onion 音樂筆記」及「Music and Story」都有提供協助;而獨立藝術出版社「Small Tune Press」是音樂誌出版及製作部份的合作夥伴。
We are a team of nearly twenty volunteers whose professions range from writers to designers and from translators to animators. Most of us were strangers to each other before, but we have come together because we believe in the value of music and want to make a contribution to the democratic movement in Hong Kong.
Initiated by the long-running music website 3C Music, the project has received warm support from the likes of music lovers and players from the creative field. Music platforms, such as glass onion 音樂筆記 and Music and Story, have joined forces. The independent art publisher Small Tune Press is our collaborator on the distribution and production front.