Cantonese Colloquial Expressions 廣州話口語詞彙
Editor: Lo Tam Fee-yin
Publisher: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
出版日期:12/2006Publication date: 12/2006
This book of Cantonese idioms is a pragmatic reference guide to everyday Cantonese conversation in Hong Kong. It will help users understand speakers' idiomatic meanings, since people do not always use the literal meaning of words in communication with others. Instead people often use metaphors and figurative language to express themselves. It is important to note that the metaphorical use of language is pervasive in all aspects of human discourse, including casual conversation as well as poetry.
Author Info
Tam Fee Yin, B.A. (CUHK), M.A. (PolyU), is a Chinese language instructor at the New Asia – Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is one of the compilers of English-Cantonese Dictionary (The Chinese University Press, 1991), and the co-author of Interesting Cantonese Colloquial Expression (The Chinese University Press, 1996)