人間冥煙 For Heaven's Sake
作者:高峰 Chris Gaul
在紙紮的花花世界裏,祭品的形態和種類五花八門:日常用品從一把傘、一籠點心到一張八達通 ;抑或是億元紙鈔、豪華別墅與配備司機的轎車等奢侈品......祭祀者總能從林林總總的設計和款式中找到最切合逝者的祭品——每件紙紮品都代表著跨越陰陽的親密牽絆。紙紮世界也是香港的縮影,反映了這個城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。紙紮一件燒、一件現,化作煙縷穿越人間與冥界,在另一個國度建構一個更豐富多彩的香港。
視覺設計師、作家和策展人。生於澳洲,在澳洲悉尼科技大學修讀視覺傳達設計與國際研究,並曾在昆明雲南師範大學與台南國立成功大學學習中文。他對東亞文化特別感興趣,過去 15 年間曾於日本、香港、台灣和中國內地工作和生活。除了從事視覺設計和策劃展覽外,他同時任教於悉尼科技大學設計學院,教授和寫作有關物質文化與設計,曾帶領學生到香港進行文化交流。
Chris Gaul is a visual designer, writer and curator who takes a particular interest in the material culture of East Asia. He was born in Australia and over the past fifteen years has lived and worked in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. He studied Design and International Studies at the University of Technology and Chinese language and culture at Yunnan Normal University in Kunming and National Cheng Kung University in Tainan. In addition to working as a visual designer, he teaches at the UTS School of Design, curates exhibitions and writes and lectures on material culture and design.